Madhya Pradesh Governor Mr Rameshwar Thakur hosted an Iftaar Party at Raj Bhavan (Governor’s House) on Thursday, August 18, 2011. Apart from prominent Muslims, Chief Minister Mr Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Urban Administration and Development Minister Mr Babulal Gaur, area MLA Mr Dhruv Narayan Singh and a host of public representatives and senior government officers attended the Iftaar Party.
On behalf of, its chief editor Mr Muslim Saleem attended the party. He met the Governor, Mr Chouhan and Mr Gaur after the Iftaar who greeted Mr Muslim Saleem and all Muslims on the occasion of Holy Month Ramazan. Here are some glimpse of the function.
Muslim Saleem breaking fast with other Muslims |
Muslim Saleem shakes hands with Governor Rameshwar Thakur |
Muslim Saleem being embraced by Urban Administration Minister Babulal Gaur |